Note: only users who have permissions to create an event will see this option. Please see Assigning Permissions to learn how to give members permissions
- Click the action menu(
) on the province screen if creating a province event or on the chapter screen if creating an event for the chapter.
- Now press the "Create an Event" option.
- Lastly fill out all required fields.
Event fields explained:
- Share with province (chapter events only) - select this option if you would like to share this event with the entire province
- Event title - this is where you enter the title of your event.
- Event description - this is where you enter a description and any other information about the event.
- Event start date - start date of the event
- Possible conflicts - clicking here allows you to see other scheduled events or meetings in your province and chapter, that may conflict with your event.
- Event end date - end date of the event
- Event start time - time the event starts
- Event end time - time the event ends
- Event location - address/location of the event. If your event is virtual please leave this field empty
- Event Cost - cost of the event.
- Registration URL - this is the url where users can go register for your event. (Eventbrite, Facebook, etc)
- Virtual URL - this is where you enter the link for guests to attend your event virtually. Note: if this field is filled in along with the location field, users will be able to see that this event is a hybrid event. If this field is filled in and the location field is empty, this event will be labeled as virtual to user.
- Event type - select the type of event this is. The options in this list is controlled by the chapter or province in the settings.
- Event chairmen - select the chairmen of this event so that users know who to reach out to if they have questions or comments.